Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 2 of Bloggings

Attempt #2 of "The Bloggings"

I'm taking the cats to the vet today, they both have the terror of the fleas. So...That's exciting.
I'm working on resin casting jewelry. I plan on making my way over to Michaels for some better resin molds while the cats are in "the shop" for annual this-and-that and de-flea-ing.


Please send some positive energy into the universe, prayers, whatever you "do" to feel in tune with the metaphysical for me. I NEED to be accepted into this nursing school. Otherwise its back to the drawing board and the whole "what am I doing with my life" mentality of the post high school days plus the anxiety of feeling my life and future slipping into "what could have been."

Since I only have two followers, I know this is a lot to ask.

Don't panic.

I am requesting backup.

1 comment:

  1. Resin jewellery hey? I looooooove resin jewellery!

    Fingers and toes crossed that you get into Nursing school xx
